Jaime Santana


After completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Jaime decided to continue his education in a field that would allow him to apply behaviour science and help underserved populations. This led him to take his Masters in Applied Disability Studies from Brock University with a focus on Applied Behaviour Analysis. He graduated from the program in 2017 and shortly thereafter earned his BCBA credential. As a Supervising Therapist, Jaime supported adults on the Autism Spectrum through a program that focuses on community inclusion, vocational skills development, self-help skills, as well as the reduction of problem behaviour.  Recently he has become a clinical director at his own company, servicing youth and adults in community-based programming. Over the last few years, Jaime has become a staunch advocate for a needs- and evidence-based Ontario Autism Program as well as improvements in the adult developmental sector. He plans to continue to advocate for children, families and adults in his capacity as a board member and professional in Autism Services. Finally, Jaime looks forward to contributing more fully to ONTABA as president and is excited about the accomplishments ONTABA is sure to make over the next two years.  

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