Lynne Thibodeau


Lynne Thibodeau has a Master of Education degree and is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst.  She is a parent co-founder of Spectrum.  Lynne has been working with children and young adults diagnosed with autism for over 20 years providing clinical supervision to teams of BCBAs, BCaBAs, Senior Therapists, and RBTs/instructor therapists; providing supervision to candidates seeking credentialing through the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BCBA, BCaBAs); staff training, parent training, and workshops in the community.  Her hands-on approach allows her to share her vast knowledge and experience with all Spectrum staff.    She has a reputation in the community as a strong, caring advocate for families touched by autism.  Throughout her career, she has helped develop and supervise programs for approximately 1500 children and youth.  She is the Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Autism and Behavioural Science Program at Algonquin College.  She is a member of ONTABA, and the ONTABA Private Practice Special Interest Group, and ABA International.

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