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A Behaviour Analyst’s Reading List

Authors from “A” to “D” | Authors from “K” to “O” | Authors from “P” to “Z

Authors from “E” to “J”

Fawcett, S.B. (1991). Some values guiding community research and action. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 24, 4, 621-636.

Fuller, P. Operant conditioning of a vegitative human organism. American Journal of Psychology, 62, 587-590.

Galbicka, G. (1994). Shaping in the 21st century: Moving perentile schedules into applied settings. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 4, 739-760.

Goltz, S.M. (1992). A sequential learning analysis of decisions in organizations to escalate investments despite continuing costs or losses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25, 3, 561-574.

Greenspan, S. (1994). Review of Luckasson et al (1992). American Journal on Mental Retardation, 98, 4, 544-549.

Harchik, A.E., Sherman, J.A., Hopkins, B.L., Strouse, M.C. & Sheldon, J.B.(1989). Use of Behavioral techniques by paraprofessional staff: A review and proposal. Behavioral Resident Treatment, 4, 331-357.

Hayes, L.J., Adams, M. & Rydeen, K. (1994). Choice and Value. In L.J. Hayes, G.J. Hayes, S.C. Moore & P.M. Ghezzi (eds). Ethical Issues in Developmental Disabilities. Reno, NV. Context Press.

Hayes, S.C. & Follette, W.C. (1992). Can Functional analysis provide a substitute for syndromal classification? Behavioral Assessment, 14, 3/4, 345-365.

Hayes, S.C. & Wilson, K.G. (1994). Acceptance and committment therapy: Altering the verbal support for experiential avoidance. The Behavior Analyst, 17, 2, 289-304.

Haynes, S.C. & O’Brien, W.H. (1990). Functional Analysis in Behavior Therapy. Clinical Psychology Review, 10, 649-668.

Haynes, S.N. & Wilson, C.C. (1979). Behavioral Assessment: Recent advances in methods, concepts and applications. Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Hersen, M. & Bellack, A.S. (1976). Behavioral Assessment: A practical Handbook. , Pergamon Press.

Hersen, M. & Bellack, A.S. (1988). DSM-III and Behavioral Assessment. In A.S. Bellack & M. Hersen (Eds.) Behavioral Assessment (3rd ed): Pergamon Press.

Holland, J.G. (1978). Behaviorism: Part of the problem or part of the solution? Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 11, 163-174.

Iwata, B., Dorsey, M.F., Slifer, K.J., Baum, K.B. & Richman, G.S. (1982). Toward a functional analysis of self-injury. Analysis and Intervention in Develomental Disabilities., 2, 3-20.

Iwata, B., Vollmer, T.R. & Zarcone, J.R.(1990). The experimental (functional) analysis of behaviour disorders: Methodology, applications and limitations. In A.A. Repp & N.N. Singh (Eds.). Perspectives on the use of nonaversive and aver sive interventions for persons with develpmental disabilities (pp301-331). Sycamore, Il: Sycamore Publishing Co.

Iwata, B, Pace, G.M., Cowdery, G.E. & Miltenberger, R.G.(1994) What makes Extinction Work: An Analysis of procedural form and function. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 131-144.

Iwata, B.,,(1994). Toward a functional analysis of self-injury. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 27, 197-209.

Iwata, B.A. & Michael, J.L.(1994). Applied implications of theory and research on the nature of reinforcement. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 27, 1, 183-193.

Jacobson J.W. (1994). Review of Luckasson et al (1992). American Journal on Mental Retardation, 98, 4, 539-541.

Johnston, J.M., & Pennypacker, H.SS.(1993). Strategies and Tactics of Behavioral Research. Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Earbaum Associates.

Jones, R.P. & McCaughey.(1992). Gentle Teaching and applied behavior analysis: A critical review. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25, 853-868.

Demchak, M. & Browder, D.M. (1990) An evaluation of the pyramid model of staff training in group homes for adults with severe handicaps. Education and Training in Mental Retardation. 25, (2), 150-163.

Derby, K.M., Wacker, D.P., Sasso, G., Steege, M., Northup, J., Gigrand, K. & Asmus, J. (1992). Brief functional assessment techniques to evaluate aberrant behaviour in an outpatient setting: A summary of 79 cases. Journal of Applied B ehaviour Analysis, 25, 3, 713-722.

Dickenson, A.M. (1989) The detrimental effects of extrinsic reinforcement on “intrinsic motivation”. The Behaviour Analyst, 12, 1, 1-16.

Dougher, M.J. & Hackbert, L. (1994) A behaviour analytic account of depression and a case report using acceptance-based procedures. The Behaviour Analyst, 17, 2, 321-334.

Ducharme, J.E. & Popynick, M. (1993) Errorless compliance to parent’s requests: treatment effects and generalization. Behavior Therapy, 24, 209-226.

Dunlap, G., de Perczel, M., Clarke, S., Wilson, D., Wright, S., White, R. & Gomez, A. (1994). Choice making to promote adaptive behavior for students with emotional and behavioural challenges. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 27, 505-518.

Durand, M. & Carr, E.G. (1992). An analysis of maintenance following functional communication training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25, 4, 777-794.