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A Behaviour Analyst’s Reading List

Authors from “E” to “J” | Authors from “K” to “O” | Authors from “P” to “Z

Authors from “A” to “D”…

Allyon T. & Michael, J. (1959). The psychiatric nurse as a behavioural engineer. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, 2, 323-334.

Baer, D.M. & Sherman, J.A. (1964). Reinforcement control of generalized imitation in young children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1, (1), 37-49.

Baer, D.M., Wolf, M.M. & Risley, T.R. (1968). Some current dimensions of applied behaviour analysis. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 1, 91-97.

Baer, D.M., Wolf, M.M. & Risley, T.R. (1987). Some still current dimensions of applied behaviour analysis. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 20, 313-327.

Barlow, D.H., Hayes, S.C. & Nelson, R.O. (1986). The scientist practicioner: research and accountability in clinical and educational settings. Pergamon Press.

Becker, W.C., Engleman, S.E. & Thomas, D.R. (1971). Teaching a course in applied Psychology. Chicago, Science Research Associates. Ch. 18, 19 & 20.

Bellack, A.S. & Hersen, M. (1988). Behavioural Assessment (3rd ed). New York: Pergamon Press.

Biglan, A., Metzler, C.W. & Ary, D.V. (1994). Increasing the prevalence of successful children: The case for community intervention research. The Behaviour Analyst, 17, 2, 335-354.

Bijou, S.W., Peterson, R.F. & Ault, M. (1968). A method to integrate descriptive and experimental field studies at the level of data and empirical concepts. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 1, 175-191.

Borthwick-Duffy, S. (1994). Review of Luckasson et al (1992). American Journal on Mental Retardation, 98, 4, 541-544.

Carr, E.G. & Durand, V.G. (1985). Reducing behaviour problems through functional communication training. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 18, 111-126.

Cone, J.D. (1988). Psychometric considerations and the multiple models of behavioural assessment. In A.S. Bellack & M. Hersen Behavioural Assessment (3rd ed). New York: Pergamon Press.

Demchak, M. (1987). A review of behavioural staff training in special education settings. Education and Training in Mental Retardation, 22, 205-217.

Demchak, M. & Browder, D.M. (1990) An evaluation of the pyramid model of staff training in group homesforadults with severe handicaps. Education and Training in Mental Retardation. 25, (2), 150-163.

Derby, K.M., Wacker, D.P., Sasso, G., Steege, M., Northup, J., Gigrand, K. & Asmus, J. (1992). Brief functional assessment techniques to evaluate aberrant behaviour in an outpatient setting: A summary of 79 cases. Journal of Applied B ehaviour Analysis, 25, 3, 713-722.

Dickenson, A.M. (1989) The detrimental effects of extrinsic reinforcement on “intrinsic motivation”. The Behaviour Analyst, 12, 1, 1-16.

Dougher, M.J. & Hackbert, L. (1994) A behaviour analytic account of depression and a case report using acceptance-based procedures. The Behaviour Analyst, 17, 2, 321-334.

Ducharme, J.E. & Popynick, M. (1993) Errorless compliance to parent’s requests: treatment effects and generalization. Behavior Therapy, 24, 209-226.

Dunlap, G., de Perczel, M., Clarke, S., Wilson, D., Wright, S., White, R. & Gomez, A. (1994). Choice making topromote adaptive behavior for students with emotional and behavioural challenges. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 27, 505-518.

Durand, M. & Carr, E.G. (1992). An analysis of maintenance following functional communication training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25, 4, 777-794.