A Behaviour Analyst’s Reading List

Authors from “A” to “D” | Authors from “E” to “J” | Authors from “P” to “Z

Authors from “K” – “O”…

Keller. F.S.(1968) Good bye teacher. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1,1,79-89.

Kohlenberg, R.J., Tsai,M & Dougher, M.J.(1993) The dimensions of clincical behavior analysis. The behavior Analyst, 16,2,271-282.

Kohlenberg, R.J., & Tsai, M.(1994) Improving cognitive therapy for depression with functional analytic psychotherapy: Theory and case study. The Behavior Analyst, 17,2,305-320.

Krasner, L.(1992). The concepts of syndrome and functional analysis: Compatible or Incompatible? Behavioral Assessment, 14,3/4,307-321.

Lovass, O.I., Koegel, R. Simmons, J.Q. & Long, J.S.(1973). Some generalization and follow up measures on autistic children in behavior therapy. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 6,1,131-165.

Lovering, J.S., Bowman, T. & Williams, W.L.(1990). Ethical review of behavioral interventions for persons with developmental disability. Paper presented at the 20th annual meeting of the European Congress on Behavior Therapy, Paris.

Luckasson, R., et.al.(1992). Mental Retardation: Definition, Classification and Systems of Supports(9th ed.). Washinton, D.C. American Association on Mental Retardation.

Macmillan, C.L., Gresham, F.M. & Siperstein, G.N.(1993) Conceptual and Psychometric concerns about the 1992 AAMR definition of mental retardation. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 98,3,325-335.

Martin, R.(1984) The right to effective human service programming. In W.P. Christian, G.T., Hannah & T,J, Glahn(eds) Programming Effective Human Services: Strategies for institutional change and client transition. New York:Plenum Press.

Mawhinney, T.C.(1992) Total Quality management and organizational behavior management: An integration for continual improvement. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25,3,525-544.

Michael, J.(1982) Distinguishing between discriminatinve and motivational finctions of stimuli. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 37,149-155.

Michael, J.(1993) Concepts and Principles of Behavior Analysis. Kalamzoo, MI, Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis.

Morganstern, K.P.(1976) Behavioral interviewing: The initial stages of assessment. In M. Hersen & A.S. Bellack (eds)Behavioal Assessment: A pratical Handbook. Pergamon Press.

Neef, N.A. & Iwata, B.A.(1994). Current reserach on functional analysis methodologies: An introduction. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,27,211-214.

Nelson, R, & Hayes, S.C.(1979) Some current dimensions of behavioral assessment. Behavioral Assessment,1,1,1-16.

Nelson, R., O.& Barlow, D.H.(1981) Behavioral Assessment: Basic strategies and intial procedures. In D.H. Barlow(Ed.) Behavioral Assessment of Acult disorders. New York, The Guilford Press.

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