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Erin Lang

Undergraduate Student Representative

Erin Lang is a 33-year-old mother, community volunteer, avid reader, eco-enthusiast, and second-year (honours) Behavioural Psychology student at St. Lawrence College who is passionate about the science and implementation of ABA. My student experience, thus far, has included serving as a student representative and receiving a specialized placement due to my excellence in academics. My former career was in animal care and training (at a zoo and aquarium in Edmonton Alberta). During this time, I was introduced to the world of behavioural psychology and operant conditioning. As a trainer, my job was to use operant conditioning to train a variety of behaviours in a variety of animals (from penguins to sea lions, to sharks) in order to make husbandry procedures safer and more tolerable for the animals as well as the staff implementing them. At that time, I wondered, how else can these principles be applied to the world around me? Now, as a second-year behavioural psychology student whose focus is ABA, I find myself continuously amazed at the reach of what behavioural psychology, operant conditioning, and specifically ABA, can accomplish. I am greatly looking forward to my time as an undergraduate representative!