Special Interest Groups
Ontario Behaviourists for Social Responsibility (O-BFSR)
Email: bfsr.sig@gmail.com
Instagram: @ontariobfsr
Mission / Purpose
We aim to expand applications of behaviour science by addressing social issues, particularly those with social justice, human rights, and environmental implications.
We wish to empower people by providing motivation and reinforcement for addressing social issues. We search for means to foster research and encourage behaviour scientists and practitioners to take practical action.
We will strengthen communities by providing a venue to share and explore. We hope to expand public awareness of behaviour analytic principles and practices that can contribute to addressing social and environmental issues.
Our Members
Our members vary across behaviour analysts, students, and interested community members, among others! As a relatively young SIG we are still creating infrastructure that will allow us to best engage with our membership base. At this time, members can expect to be updated by our O-BFSR board regularly, have opportunities to participate in our new Task Forces, and support us by taking on responsibilities or completing specific tasks for O-BFSR events/activities if they are interested! To learn more, and initiate the membership process, check out this website: https://www.obfsr.org/membership-form
Private Practice Special Interest Group
Mission / Purpose
To support clinicians working in private practice ABA settings
Our Members
ABA clinicians, aspiring business owners who are also ABA clinicians, current/veteran business owners who are also ABA clinicians; anyone interested in learning more about private practice ABA
- Laura Campbell (admin@strideacademy.ca)
- Lisa Israel (israel.lisa@gmail.com)
Mental Health Special Interest Group
Mission / Purpose
Enhancing the professional practice of applied behaviour analysis in mental health.
Supporting Behavioural Clinicians in Mental Health Services.
Specifically, the SIG-MH was created to:
- Serve as a scientific and professional reference
- Serve as a networking group amongst members
- Highlight the role and value of ABA in mental health practice
- Support clinicians working in the field of mental health and applied behaviour analysis
- Provide learning and professional development opportunities to clinicians
- Encourage and disseminate research, and ethical, evidenced-based practice
- Disseminate information to promote its mission to a wider audiences
- Organize an annual meeting to provide a forum for discussion of the affairs of the SIG.
Our Members
Membership is open to all persons interested or actively engaged in Mental Health. Membership shall be in one of three classes:
Full Member
Any individual holding a graduate degree in a discipline directly related to or involving behavior analysis and whose professional commitment includes teaching, research, and/or practice in behavior analysis may apply for membership in this category. Full members may vote on membership decisions of the SIG.
Affiliate Member
Any member evidencing interest in the discipline of behavior analysis, but lacking graduate-level formal training therein, may apply for this class of membership.
Student Member
Any individual pursuing formal training in the discipline of behavior analysis but not yet gainfully employed therein on at least a half-time basis may apply for membership in this category. Such application must be accompanied by documentation certifying the applicant’s student status.
- Email: abamentalhealthsig@gmail.com
Health, Sport and Fitness Canada SIG
Mission / Purpose
The mission of the Behaviour Analysis in Health, Sports and Fitness Special Interest Group (HSF SIG) Canada is to educate, coordinate, disseminate, and provide resources to behaviour analysts and to other members of society seeking to address human challenges in health, sport, and fitness through the application of the science of behaviour analysis
Our Members
This SIG is of interest, as it gives Canadian behaviour analysts, or others interested in the science of behaviour analysis the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and learn about topics of health, sport, and fitness on a local level, as opposed to internationally through the ABAI HSF SIG. Though we would argue that health, sport and fitness behaviours are extremely socially significant, it can be challenging to learn about or branch into this application. The HSF SIG hopes to be a resource to Canadians through education, dissemination, and coordination on HSF topics in Canada.
- Email: hsfcanadasig@gmail.com
- Web: https://hsfcanadasig.wixsite.com/hsfsig